Monday, June 27, 2011

Plant Killer Among Other Things

I've never done this before, been in this place, had this vantage point. It's extremely interesting. It's this MOTB gig, I'm talking about.

I would liken it to a science-fiction movie where, let's say, a person has to walk through a wall of mysterious goo to get to another world. (I think I saw this kind of scene in Stargate or Contact, or some movie like that). Anyway, you walk through this wall of goo and it feels weird and it's a little scary because you don't know what it might do to you. Part of you doesn't want to go through it but another part is driving you to do it to see what's on the other side.

One of the things that I find very interesting (and very familiar) is the revelations that my daughter is coming to while we walk through this wall of goo. She said the other day, "I thought when I got engaged I would feel different somehow, I would be a different person. But it's still me with my same hair, my same face, my same feelings."

It brought to mind the movie French Kiss with Meg Ryan where she says, "No matter what I might seem like tonight, it's still the same old me from yesterday you wind up with tomorrow."

And after 29 years of marriage, (coming up on) 49 years of life, I'm still a plant killer among other things.

And Steave is fine with that.

He didn't used to be. Then he quit fighting me. Then he laughed at me. Now, I think it's endearing to him, my little quirk.

So, yesterday he bought me a palm tree, taller than I am. Just so I could kill it. Being only $12 that made it a bit easier.

Maybe on the other side of the wall of goo I won't be a plant killer among other things. Haha! Wishful thinking.


  1. I don't have any plants to kill. I don't know what to do with them living in an apartment. When living in an apartment I become a plant killer too.
    Is your goo green?

  2. I enjoy reading your blog but running behind these days. I'm catching up over a cup of coffee this morning...and tears! This spoke to me right now! Who knew the "wall of goo" would be so profound? lol There's ALOT of things I hope to be or NOT to be on the other side of the wall of goo! :O)


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