Monday, June 13, 2011

MOTB: Wedding Favors

I'm not a good sick person. I don't like to be still, however, during my recuperation I have forced myself to stay housebound. It wasn't hard to do because I really did feel pretty bad, but not bad enough to stay in bed, just in the house, in my pj's piddling around doing this and that.

And of course, the "this and that" has been focused around the wedding. Now, I have to admit my ignorance: I don't really "get" some of the stuff that goes on in and around weddings. One thing, for example, I don't understand yet I feel bound to do are the wedding favors. What is the purpose? Are we thanking the guests for coming? Are we giving them a little something out of pity to say, "I know this day wasn't about you, but here's a little something so you don't feel left out"? "Is it a souvenir of the day?" What is it for?

No matter what it's for, I feel obliged to include it amongst our other responsibilities. So, we've decided to do a Candy Bar. I've seen it and have enjoyed it at other weddings and it seemed simple enough to do, so by golly that's what we're doing.

So, after looking around I finally settled on some glass containers that I found at Ikea

We decided on 6 different kinds of candy, so I got two sets of 3 containers. We'll fill them and have scoops and tongs to get the candy out with.

The guests will then put the candy in little brown "penny candy" bags. I always loved these little brown bags because every Saturday my Dad and I would go to the hardware store and he always needed some nails or screws and I loved to count them out and put them in the little bags. Those are the kinds of memories you have when you're raised by a carpenter!

Sorry for the flashback....anyway, I then printed out some pretty, little labels and then promptly dirtied them up with some distress ink to give them a little antique vintage look.

And that's our wedding favor. Pretty easy.

1 comment:

  1. I love that idea. I don't think you have to give out party favors. Although I like the candy bar idea. I want candy now!!!


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