Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sick Day

I left work early yesterday and I took a sick day today. I have a cold. I think the germs were lurking in my body, waiting for a moment to take over. Being very tired after getting back at 2am from a concert Friday night, I think they took advantage of my weakened state to stage a coup. They have control now but I am trying to rebuild my defenses and regain power.

So, I have spent the day on the couch. I don't know why the couch is better than bed. I think perhaps that the bed is for majorly serious illness and by being on the couch I am making a statement that I am not totally down and out.

This is my day in pictures.
Movies on netflix...


and Meg.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Some Sort of Book Convergence

Ok, this is getting WEIRD! Stuff like this has happened before but not so often!

So, I went to Barnes and Noble the other day to get "Return to Cranford" dvd. I love Judi Dench....sorry, I'm straying. So, I picked up a book, thought it looked very interesting and carried it around (that's what I do then I reevaluate at the last minute before checkout and leave it in some random place - don't yell at me, I know!) and then at the last minute decided not to get it.

My niece, Emma, comes for a visit and in our visiting, she says, "There's a book that I'm reading that you MUST read." Before she pulls it out of her bag I'm thinking about that book I carried around B&N. She pulls it out and it's the same book!!!

Weird, weird, weird. Somebody please tell me what's going on.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Sort of Frog Convergence

I don't know what it is with me lately where things are happening in themes. I told you about Franklin.

Well, I went to church and heard about this lady I know who found a frog in her toilet. She screamed so loud that she burst a blood vessel in her eye. I laughed really hard about that

Then, last night, Steave found a frog in OUR bathroom. He wasn't in the toilet but he had so much dust on his little sucker feet that he couldn't walk. He was kind of swimming in place. I felt really bad about having such a dusty bathroom. But Steave took the little guy and washed his feet and put him outside.

What is going on?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Manic Scanner

I started looking at some old photos that my niece put on her facebook and got inspired to scan some more of mine and put them on facebook, too. Now, I think I'll post a few here for my blogger friends who aren't facebook friends. I had such a good time reminiscing...

Baby Katie in her Dad's handKatie's first trip to the beach.Joel's first trip to the beach.Beautiful boy.Katie & Calan

Me & Steave the early years.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Some Sort of Franklin Convergence

So, the other night I dreamed I had a baby. The baby's name was Franklin. I didn't name it - its name was Franklin. He could talk but he was very tired and slept a lot.

Yesterday, I was in the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru getting my change from a fellow with an extra thumb attached to his thumb. I knew that hand!

I asked the young man what his name was. He said, "Franklin." It was my son's friend from the 2nd or 3rd grade!

What is the deal with the Franklin theme? Can anybody interpret dreams?

Rosca de Reyes

An update on the research concerning the Naked Baby Relic.
My father-in-law emailed me a wikipedia article about a Spanish tradition. Here it is:

Roscón de reyes.Rosca de reyes or roscón de reyes (kings' ring) is a Spanish pastry traditionally eaten to celebrate the Epiphany.

Although the name indicates that it should be round, the Spanish “roscon de reyes” generally has an oval shape due to the need to make cakes larger than 30cm across for larger parties. For decoration, fig fruit, quinces, cherries are used; which both decorate the cake and enrich its flavor.

It is traditionally eaten on January 6, during the celebration of the "Día de Reyes" (Wise Men Day). In most of Spain, Mexico, and sometimes Hispanic communities in the United States, this is the day when children get presents from the Three Wise Men (not from Santa). They leave their shoes outside, filled with hay or dried grass for the animals the Kings ride, before they go to bed along with a note. For decoration, Mexican people use dried and candied fruits like figs, quinces or cherries

The tradition of placing a trinket (figurine of the Christ Child) in the cake is very old. The baby Jesus, when hidden in the bread, represents the flight of Jesus, fleeing from King Herod's evil plan. Whoever finds the small baby Jesus is blessed and must take it (a representation of baby Jesus) to the nearest church on the 2nd of February (Día de la Candelaria).

In Spain, due to commercial interests, Roscones bought in cake shops hide in their interior a figure - either of Jesus or others like little toys for kids - and a haba (bean). Whoever finds the figure is crowned and becomes the king (or queen) of the banquet, whereas whoever finds the bean has to pay next year's roscón.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't Spit, Joel

My son, Joel said that if I didn't update my blog he would spit.

That makes me think of Ash, my favorite character from "The Fantastic Mr.Fox."

So, my brother in law is staying with us for a while. He's going to be moving into a house as soon as they close on it and he needed an "in-between" place. The basement bedroom is that place.

The basement bedroom had become the collective limbo for all the family's stuff. Joel's stuff that couldn't go with him to Mississippi, Katie's stuff that didn't make the transition to the room upstairs, furniture and books that didn't get a place upstairs after the flood. It was quite a combo of items. So, we went through it all and sorted it out.

Now, there's a nice clean room.

Then our sorting out energy spilled out into the main room of the basement and we are in the process of turning that into a studio for sewing, painting, crafting, whatever you want to do. I'll get pictures up of the process soon.

My brother-in-law loves to go places and so we've spent the last couple of weekends going places. We went to Trader Joe's. It's a pretty cool grocery store. It has organic and Trader Joe's brand items. I got some killer chocolate chip cookies. We also went to Harbor Freight Tools. It is a really amazing hardware store. They have EVERYTHING! I almost bought a sextant, they really had one there.

I don't know how to use a sextant, probably would never learn, but it reminded me of the Great Explorers! Adventure lept in my heart and I felt the wind in my hair and tasted the salt on my lips right there on aisle 7!

We also went to The Container Store. One of my most favorite stores. It appeals to the organizational freak inside of me. I was looking for containers for the shelves in my bathroom. But instead I bought a door stop for my classroom, a flip flop organizer for my friend and a display box for a crazy thing that my aide found at school.

Let me explain "the crazy thing": a parent donated a large bag of toys and random items for our classroom treasure box. We were to go through the items and pull out what we thought our class would like and then pass the bag on to 4th grade. It was a large bag and quite overwhelming to me, so I assigned that task to my aide with the suggestion that she delegate that task to the girls. I knew they would love to go through the bag and make the executive decisions about what to keep and what to reject. 6th grade girls love power.

My aide, being the kind, hardworking person she is, went through the whole bag. Later in the day, she came by my desk and held out her hand. In the palm of her hand was a plastic thing. It was in the shape of a purple and gold  crown and glued to the crown was a naked, flesh colored baby. The baby reminded me of a baby hamster or mouse, a pinkie that you would feed to a snake. Kinda creeped me out.

Then we laughed hysterically!

I immediately thought it had some religious implications. King...baby...Jesus....I felt surely we had come across some religious relic. Right then and there I had the desire to issue sanction that my classroom be henceforth known as a "cathedral" or "sanctuary" due to the discovery of the Naked Baby Relic. I still haven't come up with a good name yet.

It was such an amazing find that I wanted it to be under glass. So, I bought a $1.99 plastic box to put it in.

We've done some research on the Naked Baby Relic and found this:
You can buy a bag of naked babies.
You can buy a bag of plastic crowns.

But you can't find a naked baby glued to a crown.

To celebrate Mardi Gras, people bake the naked babies into cakes to a make a "King Cake."
They bake them into muffins to make "King Muffins" I suppose.
They put the naked babies and red jelly into cakes to make "Scary King Cakes."
Then they serve these cakes to their friends. The person who gets (eats, bites or swallows) the naked baby is dubbed "King of the Party" and they are required to bring the "King Cake" the next year.
I don't think I'd want to find a naked baby in my food.

Even though that's really strange, I'm still going to keep my relic under glass. And I still want to name my classroom.

Maybe: " The Cathedral of the Naked Baby Glued to the Crown Found in the Incredibly Large Bag of Treasure Box Donations"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Half British Breakfast to Soothe My Knackered Soul

A picture of TIRED.

I'm sitting here on this beautiful, cool (as in temperature, for a change, thank God!) Sunday morning eating my fried eggs and beans on toast.

I am "knackered"- to quote Sweeney's Mama, a blog aquaintance from New Zealand. 

I had a rough week. So rough it made me cry.

I haven't blogged because I was torn between being honest and depressing the life out of my readers - or waiting until the anger and disappointment had passed to be more cheerful and upbeat.

I think I'm in the middle right now. So, here's my blog post:

I had a stinking, rotten week which totally reinforced my life's motto:

You can't reason with crazy people!

I've threatened to embroider that on a pillow for years.

And I would like to add the following words of wisdom to anyone else who is as knackered as I am:

"Sometimes the best you can do is get out of bed, breathe and go through the motions. And eventually the sting of the blow will fade and your heart will come out of hiding."
~Jill Libramento

Posting a funny picture of your kids and eating a half English breakfast helps.