Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keys to My Cottage

As everyone knows I have this infatuation with the UK. When the Star Trek transporter is actually invented then I will go over and visit. Until then I have to watch British comdies, visit The Corner Shop , chat with Tina and her Mum and try to cook UK-ish type foods.

Yesterday, I had to go to Home Depot to get some keys made. I went to the key kiosk and asked the guy there if he could make me some keys. He grunted a positive response and I handed over my keys. After a few moments he turned and said, "Wha kinda cah do yuh have?" The word "cahhh" made me think of Boston immediately. I love an accent and I love to try to guess where people are from. I told him and he continued working silently.

I wanted him to talk some more and I needed to buy an new lock for my locker at school so I asked him if there were any locks that come with 3 keys. I was prepared to have my Boston guess verified when he responded to my question with a tumble of words that I could barely make out. Dumbfounded, I said, "what?" He repeated what he said in a most musical Scottish accent. A little star-struck, I asked him where he was from. He said "Scah-tlun." Without thinking I said, "Can I touch you?" He started laughing hysterically.

He motioned for me to follow him to the locks and I told him to keep talking just so I could hear his accent. He proceeded to tell me more about locks and I proceeded to ignore the information and listen to the lyrical sound of the words. I asked him if he was from Scotland why was he in Georgia. He said, "It's warmer."

He rattled on some more about locks and I pretended to listen and pretended that I was in a Home Depot in Scotland getting copies of keys for my cottage. I took a lock and my copied keys from him and we walked toward the front of the store and I thanked him for helping me and for talking.

I LOVE moments like that.


  1. Hah!I absolutely love this entry.
    This made my heart happy.

  2. Ok. So, I'm gonna need more details! For now, I will assume the Home Depot near your house, um I mean your cottage. I would definitely drive out of my way to hear a Scottish accent! or Irish or Australian. I wonder how many keys I need made...

  3. This is one of the most beautiful cottages I've see. Fantastic indeed!

    As to the blue sky in your comment, let me tell you I've never seen a REAL blue sky until I visited Tibet! :-)


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