Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Couple of Cool Things

I found a couple of cool things and I want to share them with you.

The first is Metromint water.  It's mint flavored water. I ordered a sample pack and got orange mint water, lemon mint water, chocolate mint water, cherry mint water, spearmint water, peppermint water and a bottle of electrolyte mint water. It's really very good, but you MUST be a mint lover. When I first tasted it I thought of some sort of medicine because it's not sweetened and it's not carbonated. But after I got my mind and my tastebuds around the idea I really enjoyed it.

The second thing is I ordered these cute little journals for Katie for her birthday. They're from The Paperwink. They come in sets of 3 with printed labels on them. You have a choice of labels and what you'd like to have printed on them. Katie is a major journal writer and she was very excited about them. She liked the fact that they were slim. I thought that would be the thing she didn't like about them, but I was wrong.

Just thought I'd share these things with you.

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