Thursday, June 10, 2010

Social Networking, Summer Blogging and My Ego the Size of Texas

For a while I was a Xanga fanatic and I loved it. Then facebook lured me away with its abundance of people, especially family. That young, hip, social frenzy of activity has taken a while for me to get used to. I have now found my pace there. I'm slow, I miss a lot, but so be it. Then I went to wordpress for a short time. But I eventually neglected it and it felt like a ghost town. So, I left.
I love to read blogs. I love to get a glimpse of people's lives, what they are making, what they are eating, what they are thinking. It is inspiring, exciting - people are so creative!
I started "breathing creatively" because I wanted to join a community of bloggers that I had found who were artists and crafters. I quickly found that I am not making things fast enough to keep up with them. I mean, I make things, but I found I enjoyed just rambling about my lunch and a person I have met more. I like writing words and taking pictures. 
So, what is my purpose for blogging? What kind of theme would I have? I thought about it for a while and decided that my purpose was to just post words and pictures, things I think about and things I do - boring and uneventful as they are. The theme? Whatever I wanted it to be at the time of the post.
It seems rather narcissistic, doesn't it? It feels good to me to write words probably like it feels good for Steave to ride his bike for 100 miles or Katie to sew a new handbag or my friend Jennifer to make a new necklace. So, if they're being narcissistic, then so am I.
I am a summer blogger. I teach 6th grade, so during the school year I am pouring myself out emotionally, physically and creatively. I usually have very little time or brain power to blog. But in the summer - that's when I write the most. That's when I'll appear to be some sort of maniac. I'm a castaway come home, gorging on words and pictures and time - lovely time.
So, stop by whenever you can and I'll talk about stuff and show you some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to some of those delicious words this summer!


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