Monday, June 7, 2010

Rescuing the Garden

We were faithful to start our garden in the Spring, pressing little seeds of hope into the fresh earth, setting out those little precious infant plants, tenderly. Then the weddings & graduations hit us like a bus. We left our little plant children out in the wild world to survive on their own.
So, today, I went out into the garden looking for my orphans, trying to see how they were faring out in the wild among the beautiful invaders such as the morning glory shown here.
I was pleasantly surprised, but there were some dissapointments. I did lose the brussel sprouts. I didn't thin the radishes, so they are small and skinny. The romaine bolted up and is bitter.
However, the bean tipis look great with tiny, little, green beans hanging sweetly. The cukes are doing wonderfully, I actuall found 3 to pick. I may have gotten them too early, but I was excited.
I've never grown corn before, so I don't know how it will fare. But it sure does look pretty in the garden. And isn't that part of gardening? Beauty for the eyes.
My sunflowers are getting flower heads and I can't wait to have my long row of towering sunflowers stretching longingly toward the summer sun! 
 The blueberry bushes are full. They will be ready to eat around July 4.

We also have pears and apples. Usually the birds get them before we can enjoy them, but it is nice to see them on the trees.

The herbs are my faithful Old Ladies. They are always there, never causing me trouble and ever helpful.
That lovely Mrs. Lavender with her dainty purple flowers. The rugged Ms. Rosemary, she's very enduring.
The delicate Miss Dill will help my friend make her pickles this year.

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