Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Half British Breakfast to Soothe My Knackered Soul

A picture of TIRED.

I'm sitting here on this beautiful, cool (as in temperature, for a change, thank God!) Sunday morning eating my fried eggs and beans on toast.

I am "knackered"- to quote Sweeney's Mama, a blog aquaintance from New Zealand. 

I had a rough week. So rough it made me cry.

I haven't blogged because I was torn between being honest and depressing the life out of my readers - or waiting until the anger and disappointment had passed to be more cheerful and upbeat.

I think I'm in the middle right now. So, here's my blog post:

I had a stinking, rotten week which totally reinforced my life's motto:

You can't reason with crazy people!

I've threatened to embroider that on a pillow for years.

And I would like to add the following words of wisdom to anyone else who is as knackered as I am:

"Sometimes the best you can do is get out of bed, breathe and go through the motions. And eventually the sting of the blow will fade and your heart will come out of hiding."
~Jill Libramento

Posting a funny picture of your kids and eating a half English breakfast helps.


  1. Very funny pic, Jill! :-)
    Hope you have a great week.

  2. Okay so that pic is a little funny. haha
    My banner is not something I did, in fact I believe its a compilation someone else did, of art done by an artist i love named Charley Harper.
    He's got some cool art you should go check him out.

    And youre right "You can't reason with crazy people"


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