Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rosca de Reyes

An update on the research concerning the Naked Baby Relic.
My father-in-law emailed me a wikipedia article about a Spanish tradition. Here it is:

Roscón de reyes.Rosca de reyes or roscón de reyes (kings' ring) is a Spanish pastry traditionally eaten to celebrate the Epiphany.

Although the name indicates that it should be round, the Spanish “roscon de reyes” generally has an oval shape due to the need to make cakes larger than 30cm across for larger parties. For decoration, fig fruit, quinces, cherries are used; which both decorate the cake and enrich its flavor.

It is traditionally eaten on January 6, during the celebration of the "Día de Reyes" (Wise Men Day). In most of Spain, Mexico, and sometimes Hispanic communities in the United States, this is the day when children get presents from the Three Wise Men (not from Santa). They leave their shoes outside, filled with hay or dried grass for the animals the Kings ride, before they go to bed along with a note. For decoration, Mexican people use dried and candied fruits like figs, quinces or cherries

The tradition of placing a trinket (figurine of the Christ Child) in the cake is very old. The baby Jesus, when hidden in the bread, represents the flight of Jesus, fleeing from King Herod's evil plan. Whoever finds the small baby Jesus is blessed and must take it (a representation of baby Jesus) to the nearest church on the 2nd of February (Día de la Candelaria).

In Spain, due to commercial interests, Roscones bought in cake shops hide in their interior a figure - either of Jesus or others like little toys for kids - and a haba (bean). Whoever finds the figure is crowned and becomes the king (or queen) of the banquet, whereas whoever finds the bean has to pay next year's roscón.

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