Friday, July 9, 2010

Going Down to The Dirty South

I am packing today getting ready to take a trip down to Mississippi to visit my son and my daughter-in-law. I am so happy to get to see them in their habitat! The house we are renting does not have internet as far as I know, and unless I can hit up a free wi-fi spot I won't be blogging for the next week. I will, however, be taking pictures and stocking up on things to tell you upon my return.

I am mentally getting prepared to go to Mississippi, the state I love to hate. #1 reason to hate it: it took my son away. #2 reason: it's part of the "dirty south."

My Definition of The South
Growing up in North Carolina, I never thought of myself as a Southerner. I lived in NORTH Carolina. I considered South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisianna the South. Florida is some kind of tropical/northern/resort fusion thing so I don't include it in my South. In the last few years I have been introduced to the native Floridian life and it's rough and gritty, full of pioneer-type people. They are not Southern, they are unique.

South Carolina and Georgia is what I consider "Rich South." This is where the Southern belles come from. Think of Scarlett, Tara, Twelve Oaks, cotton plantations. If you were here, I would do the Southern accent that this area has. This South is Savannah and Charleston (pronounced, "chaaaah-stun). I live outside of Atlanta, a big city!

Alabama, Mississippi and Louisianna is what I consider "The Dirty South." Alabama would not consider itself this, but I do. Just drive through Birmingham - dirty. It's like going back to the 60's. There's a time warp there. When I think of Mississippi, I think of Mississippi Delta Blues. "You can't sing the blues unless you've lived them" I've heard it said. So, it must be depressing down there if that's where the blues came from. I mean, Martin Luther King, Jr went down there and wrestled with the depressing people living in the weird time warp. He tried to help them. Louisianna, Cajun Cooking, Dirty Rice - even their food is dirty! (I actually love dirty rice)

I know I'm really bashing the Dirty South, but that has been my impression all my life. I am trying to change my attitude about it. Let's think of some good stuff: The music is really pretty good, soul food is good - collards, yams, fried chicken and catfish, gumbo, yeah, good. That's about all I can come up with right now. But I'll work on this!

So, when I go down, I WILL have a good attitude. I will look for good things! Can I get a witness here?


  1. How this post brought back so many memories. Visits to Jackson, Mississippii. Many visits to North Carolina, Louisiana but not Florida but lots of others not mentioned here.

    Hope you enjoy your visit.

  2. Hahaha. I agree.
    I just pictured a really wore out and frustrated Martin Luther King literally wrestling a bunch of depressing people. Ha.
    Its true though.


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