Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Signs Of Life

The photo prompt today: Signs of Life. Everybody was taking pictures of plants and birds. I just can't go with the flow!! So, I took a picture of waking Katie up... "2 More Minutes"

Then, the light was particulary interesting outside today...


  1. Now I know from where Katie get's her eye for photographic composition.

  2. So, cheers to creativity.
    You've inspired me to start something with the titles of your photos.
    For every title, I will also contribute. Not a photo, but maybe a monologue, or something creative. Somewhere.
    I wrote something for "Signs of Life". I don't know if I'll post it, but its good.
    Thanks for spreading the creative bug.
    We need it to be more contagious.


I always love comments! Thanks for stopping by!