Friday, July 8, 2011

Better Than Brown Sauce

"Something old,
Something new,
Something borrowed,
Something blue,
And a sixpence in her shoe."

I never knew that last line until a few weeks ago when Katie's friend wrote it out in a letter. She had made Katie a little pin out of blue fabrics and beads and said that was her "something blue." Katie loved it and then began to think of the other items she needed for her wedding ensemble. She will be wearing her great-grandfather's pocket watch around her neck as a necklace - that's old. And we continued and are still continuing the conversation.

The sixpence in her shoe got me I found a coin dealer in England and contacted him about a sixpence. There were so many to choose from! What year? Whose head did we want on it? Well, Katie really loved the movie, "The King's Speech." She loved it because King George VI was so brave in such a private way. And I feel that Katie is that way, too. No one really knows how much courage it takes for her to do many of the things she does, including getting married. So, I chose a King George VI sixpence, year 1952, the year he died.

Katie was so excited. I was, too! I think I could become a coin collector!!

1 comment:

  1. I have never ever heard of the last part. I love all the options though.


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