Monday, February 21, 2011

A Visit

with family...
seeing sweet faces...
family trees...
a walk in the woods...
helping each other...
to stay warm...
 finding north...
through the dark woods...
finding beauty in unlikely places...
finding nourishment from within...
old places...
trying new things...
from the motherland...
saying "olive you"...
new life...
looking to the future...
while building on the past...
opening windows to our heart...
standing strong...
ties that bind...
and memories...
hoping spring will come soon.


  1. Incredible post. Great pictures and a wonderful update on the grandparents and life up north. I really like the poetic-ness of the post, it really fits each picture. Makes me wanna go.

  2. "Olive you" - hilarious!!
    And thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog. There's a glorious feeling of compassion and kindness going on here at the moment - you can't move for cake sales, drives to fill trucks with gear for quake refugees, offers of free accommodation and all manner of fundraising business. And kind, lovely thoughts from people such as yourself is just gold ...

  3. I love the pictures and the wonderful visit we shared together at Mom & Dad's house. It was so good to see you all. Jill, you have such a great way of bringing into focus all the simple and important things of life. I guess that is the gift of seeing life through Jill colored glasses. I appreciate it. Thanks!


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