Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another Cool Idea From Joel

Joel told me I had to try this, so I did. It only takes a few minutes.

First, I got the packing tape and picked out a picture from an old National Geographic...

Then I put a strip of tape over the picture...

Rubbed the bubbles out and cut it out...

Then I soaked it in warm water for a few minutes...

When the paper felt soggy enough, I scraped the paper off the back of the tape...

The ink was still on the tape. You could see through the photo. It was no longer sticky. It was cool...

Thanks Joel.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout.
    Its cool if then you put the finished product over something with letters on it. The letters come through. Its good for bookmarks, cards, stationary, etc.
    I'm glad you tried it.


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