Saturday, March 19, 2011

Everyone Needs a Nemesis

3 things that have inspired me as of late:

1. the movie MegaMind (if you haven't seen it, you should)
2. a quote from a therapist friend, "If you don't have stress, you're dead."
3. the line from the movie "Old Dogs" (speaking of an upcoming presentation) "You look at it as being nervous, I look at it as being excited."

I think I have tried to become dead. I've wanted NO stress in my life - good or bad. I have arranged and planned and fought for peace to the point where I have almost erased all the passion and excitement out of my life. Don't misunderstand - it's been nice.

I have always had a nemesis - you know that person in your life that engages you in combat. They challenge you and taunt you to get into a struggle of some kind. They think they can beat you at something and they dare you to try. You try to reason with them and help them see that you just need to have peace, but they can't. They won't stop. They're like mosquitoes. And finally you say, ok, come on then and you just have to kill them.

I don't like competition. I've never liked it. My way of dealing with it is to just not play the game! I don't like beating people and I don't see what's all that great about winning. But I have to say, like MegaMind, I miss my nemesis. I had one, but she dropped out of the game, I wore her down with my lack of interest in playing the game (that's my greatest tactic) and she just quit. I kind of miss her.

So, I've decided to take on a new nemesis. I will not name her. She has engaged me in battle. She may be thinner and younger looking but I think I have a sense of humor mixed with intellect that can kick her skinny little cute butt!

I've decided that everyone needs a nemesis just to keep the blood pumping in our veins.

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