Saturday, March 6, 2010

Designing a Life

Reinvent Yourself!

That's always been a strange idea to me. Intriguing, but I was not able to grasp the idea. Until now.

I attended a meeting this past week that dealt with grief counseling. I realized that I lived most of my life in "crisis mode." Decisions were made based more on emotion than logic or reason. I did things, made decisions just to survive. The idea of doing what I wanted to seemed selfish and only for those who were rich or happy or free.

I have gone through the different stages of my life so far grasping for straws, treading water, just trying to make it.

However, this new "stage" - the mother of older children, the menopausal woman, the mother-in-law - feels different. I'm not hurdling head long into it. It's slowly coming upon me. My life is calm, peaceful - I've made sure of that! I've worked hard for that! And so, I can take this stage slowly. I can make decisions about how I want to be, what kind of mother-in-law do I want to be? How do I want my mid-life to be?

It's sort of like painting a picture. It's exciting! I can design my own life!! I've never had that privilege before.

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